Discover culinary delights from all over the world!
At the international cooking events kuiri kune at the Internationales Begegnungszentrum Karlsruhe you can discover food from all over the world! In small groups you cook and enjoy international culinary delights and get in touch with other cultures.
kuiri kune = international cooking together in Karlsruhe
The name „kuiri kune“ means in esperanto „cooking together“. Esperanto is a planned language, which was developed to improve the communication between different people and to establish cultural equality. Therefore, the principle of the intercultural cooking evening kuiri kune is:
Together we enjoy cooking culinary delights of the international cuisine!
During the dinner, you get in touch with other international newcomers or locals. You can talk to the course coordinator Somajeh Cathrin Noheh-Khan if you want to bring your own recipe for a special dish.
Philosophy of kuiri kune
Esperanto can connect people from different culture together, the same way in the intercultural cooking event kuiri kune many people from different culture, religion, language, generations and lifestyle meet together resulting in mutual respect and understanding of each other. The essence is to recognize through appreciative treatment, the particular individuality and uniqueness of each other. This applies mutually for all participants as it builds a connecting link between them.
kuiri kune Coordinator Somajeh Noheh-Khan – Bringing people together
Somajeh Noheh-Khan is originally from Recklinghausen, two years ago she moved to Karlsruhe. Here, she is responsible for the corporate communication of the AWO. Somajeh‘s favourite dishes are Pizza, Ingera, a meal from Eritrea, and Chili con Carne, made by her boyfriend Jonas.
„It is nice to see that I make people acquainted with each other,
who probably otherwise would not have met each other.“ Somajeh Noheh-Khan
In 2016, Somajeh had the idea to regularly organize cooking events: “On these evenings, it is about getting to know people from other cultures, reducing fear of contact and tasting some interesting dishes as well.“ She also tells: “It is nice to see that I make people acquainted with each other, who probably otherwise would not have met each other.”
At the events, the international group cooks typical German dishes like Spätzle, but also delicious dishes from all over the world. Somajeh thinks that it is important that people who originally come from other countries or have ancestors from other countries integrate into Germany but do not forget their own customs and traditions. “And if I manage to make a small contribution to dismantling prejudices, that makes me very happy.”
The 35-year-old had already prepared several Persian dishes for the cooking groups. “Even as a child, my daughter learned from my wife and me how to cook Persian“, Somajeh’s father tells proudly. He was born in Teheran, today’s Iran. “I like what my daughter is doing. That she is trying to bring people together.”
General information about kuiri kune
By arrangements the international cooking group tries to find a cuisine that doesn’t depend on religion or lifestyle (vegetarian) so that everyone can enjoy the event. Also people who wish to bring vegan cuisine are welcome to join.
The Internationales Begegnungszentrum has provided a kitchen to use for the cooking. When the dinner is ready, the group moves to the Café Globus in ibz to eat and enjoy talking. Every participant can take turn in choosing a recipe of his or her liking. When you chose your own recipe, you bring the ingredients with you to the cooking evening. Also, you can bring some suitable music to create the right atmosphere. The cost of the ingredient will be shared by the other participants (max. 5€/person).
Please register for the cooking event beforehand. You can register for one event, or directly for several. Each cooking event there are maximum 10 people.
So, please register beforehand:
Somajeh Cathrin Noheh-Khan
The kuiri kune cooking event takes place once per month at the ibz. The next dates are each from 6 – about 8.30 pm:
- 12. April 2017
- 10. May 2017
- 14. June 2017
- 26. July 2017
- 13. September 2017
- 11. October 2017
- 22. November 2017
- 13. December 2017
Internationales Begegnungszentrum Karlsruhe e.V.
Café Globus, Kaiserallee 12d, 76133 Karlsruhe
Images: © Somajeh Cathrin Noheh-Khan
soumi dutta
8. September 2017Johanna Wies
11. September 2017