Open Internet: How Google, Amazon and Facebook lure us into their data silos and how we can escape from it
Deutsche Version dieses Artikels
30 May 2017
6:00 p.m. – 09:00 p.m.
Oraniser: CyberForum
Target Group: Professionals, Investors & Entrpreneurs
For Free
Language: German
Adress: Raum TelemaxX im CyberForum (3. OG), Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18, 76131 Karlsruhe
Internet-Monopoly: The Way to the „open Internet“
20 years ago the internet revolutionised with open protocols our communication and our access to wisdom.
Today, Google, Facebook, Amazon and others are setting the pace in ever-expanding areas of the Internet – with already significant implications:
Google and Facebook only show us the part of the reality that benefits their business interests.
And even if providers such as WhatsApp pass our data without our approval, today it is difficult to leave the service today, because all of our contacts continue to use it.
However, Rafael Laguna remains confident, as all industrial monopolies have been replaced. In his lecture he will show how the path to the “open Internet” can look like.
Speaker Rafael Laguna
Rafael Laguna founded his first software company (Elephant Software) at the age of 16, with 21 he programmed a complete cash system for the beverage industry (dicomputer), with 31 he sold his first company (micado).
Today, he is CEO and co-founder of Open-Xchange AG, which develops software for the Internet economy with more than 230 employees in Nuremberg, Olpe, Dortmund, Hamburg, Bremen, Helsinki and Palo Alto.
General Information about the Cyberforum Event
In addition to the professional input of the speaker, you can ask a lot of questions about the open internet, but you also exchange personally with the speaker and the other participants.
The entrance to this evening is free, special thanks to the platinum sponsors of the CyberForum, the TelemaxX telecommunications GmbH and the LEA Partners GmbH.
You can look forward to an exciting lecture and networking in the “Schalander” of the Hoepfner-Burg with beer and pretzels as well as plenty of time and opportunity to deepen your business contacts and make new contacts: from the network for the network!
More Information and Registration
Source: Cyberforum
Bild: Pexels
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